Conservative group sues over bin Laden death photos –

led the first lawsuit seeking public release of video and photographs of the U.S. military raid and aftermath that left al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden dead. Judicial Watch is asking the Department of Defense to comply with a Freedom of Information request for the material, especially photos of the September 11 mastermind lying dead on the third floor of his Pakistan hideout. The legal complaint to force compliance was made in federal court in Washington on Friday.

via Conservative group sues over bin Laden death photos –

One response to “Conservative group sues over bin Laden death photos –

  1. I must say I have no interest in seeing those pictures and am sympathetic to the view they may result in increased anti American sentiment. That said there are presidents be it the post Nuremburg war Crimes executions in 1948 to the bodies of Sadam Hussein’s two sons after their deaths in a fire fight in 2003. In a democracy transparency and freedom must take precedence without exception.

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